About membership

With this membership you can: Stream ONLY our MEMBERS CLIPS, in the members section. When you are caught downloading our members clips we will REVOKE and BAN you from our platform, and CCBill will be notified and you will get a red mark against your name possibly preventing you from using any of CCbill’s features. Just don’t do it. We will catch you easily.

Video formats
MP4 h.264 (For members), MP4 hd for full videos.

How i can buy a membership?
Go to the respective links and simply choose your plan.

Members : https://www.sexysqueezegirls.com/join-now/

How i can use my membership?
After you have completed the transaction you will receive via email your username and password, with this you can go to https://www.sexysqueezegirls.com members and simply login. User names and passwords are not to be shared, transferred etc. Anyone caught password/ user name trading will be banned from ever purchasing from Sexy Squeeze Girls  We use IP Tracking.

What is recurring and non recurring?
Sexy Squeeze Girls  is strictly a downloadable media site. Due to this form of business, we do not accept charge backs, we are willing to help you in any way with any issues you may have with the site, downloads, etc. Please be attentive to your purchases. WE DO NOT RE ISSUE CLIPS IF YOU LOST THEM DUE TO HARD DRIVE CRASHES, LOST OR MISPLACED, EQUIPMENT FAILURE,  ETC. If a download failed due to a technical issue on our behalf, we will re issue another download link.

Recurring: payment every month, if you don’t cancel your membership

Non recurring : Single payment

How i cancel my membership ?
Go to : https://ccbill.com/support/consumer/

Full videos are available for download only, you do not have to be a member to buy them. Within the members section, you will find clips from all the listed videos to watch. These clips are 5:00 minutes of each full video.. You can always choose to purchase the whole video.